Showing posts with label Community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Thank You Bingo Volunteers


Newmarket Charity Bingo

SSVP Newmarket was approved to participate in Newmarket Charity Bingo in early 2024. 

Since then, our Bingo volunteers have earned enough funds to purchase almost one thousand $20 grocery store food cards to be distributed to families in need in Newmarket and East Gwillimbury.

#ThankYou #BingoWorld #BingoWorldandGamingNewmarket #CharitableGaming #CommunityGood #NewmarketCharitableGamingAssociation

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Charity AND Justice


Image credit: Clyde Watts

Corry Wink is on the SSVP National Advocacy Committee

Social justice: Stronger Together

Imagine a patient heading to a doctor with severe abdominal pain. A pain killer would solve the problem temporarily, but is the issue truly addressed?

Charity is like the pain killer, a vital component of care but only a beginning. Social Justice takes the next step.

Unfortunately, charity…

Never fills the gap between need and sufficiency…

Is often inconsistent as limited by the means of the giver…

Is limited to people who know how to ask for it…

May create a dependence, robbing people of their dignity and sense of self-worth.

On the other hand, in social justice…

The entire community is responsible for people’s well-being…

All people are eligible, and benefits generally keeps up with inflation…

Dignity and rights are given to basic needs…

The entire community benefits, not just recipients of social programs.

To illustrate, consider the following:

Charitable Activities

Social Justice Measures

Food banks and Christmas hampers

Liveable incomes

Clothing and household items from outlets

Shopping options

Couch surfing
Out of The Cold programs

Affordable, secure housing

Medical treatment by pharmaceutical samples supplied by doctor


Occasional special dental clinics

A universal dental program

Liveable incomes whether from paid employment, the social assistance system or the pension system should provide enough money for people to have secure and safe housing, nutritious food and a modest level of basic needs such as clothing, communication and transportation. High quality publicly funded health care programs such as pharmacare and dental plans allow people to maintain their health as they age.

When their basic needs of people are met, they have the stability, mental and physical health and strength to take their place in society as citizens and participants in the economy.

The World Happiness Report produced annually by the United Nations finds that countries with the most generous social programs have better outcomes in every aspect of their societies: successful economies, good public health, and happier people.  Social justice measures benefit the entire community and end up costing society less than keeping people in poverty.

How can you get involved?

Society must respond to alleviate the suffering of those who live in poverty.

Consider supporting food banks with food and financial donations as well as volunteer your time.

For a just and fair society, advocate for liveable wages, social assistance and other social programs which can lift people out of poverty so that they can become productive citizens.

Consider organizing a social justice committee at your conference or council to communicate the benefits of social justice programs.  Work with Vincentians and others to develop effective advocacy strategies.  Once elections are called, attend candidates’ meetings and support the need for better social programs.

We call all Vincentians to join us to accomplish our goals as per the Fundamental Principles stated in the Rule and Statutes:

Work as a team within the Society and in collaboration with other people of good will to:

  • Serve people in need
  • Discover and help redress situations of social injustice that cause poverty, suffering and need.

Thank you for your engagement.

Corry Wink, Advocacy Committee member

Friday, 28 June 2024

A Prayer Against Racism

A prayer by Fr John Bucki, SJ

Lord, Jesus Christ
who reached across the ethnic boundaries
between Samaritan, Roman and Jew
who offered fresh sight to the blind
and freedom to captives,
help us to break down 
the barriers in our community,
enable us 
to see the reality of racism and bigotry,
and free us
to challenge and uproot it
from ourselves, our society and our world.

Thursday, 18 April 2024

National Volunteer Training Week


Thanks to all of our Vincentians who have completed the virtual training for Bingo World! By volunteering your time in this way we are able to secure more funds to continue our mission helping families, seniors and individuals in our community, who have fallen on hard times.

Monday, 18 September 2023

Creating a Community of Compassion


Image Credit:

Creating a Community of Compassion
- by Fr Richard Rohr OFM

(Published by the Center for Action and Contemplation

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. 
— Matthew 14:14  

The gospel passage is quite good and delightful because it tells us very directly what God is about. Jesus is all about meeting immediate needs, right here and right now. There’s no mention of heaven at all. It seems we’ve missed the point of what the Christian religion should be about, but we see how the disciples themselves missed the point: “Tell them to go to the village and take care of themselves” (Matthew 14:15). But Jesus does not leave people on their own!  

Look at the setting. Jesus is tired. The gospel begins with him withdrawing to a deserted place to be by himself. Sure enough, the crowds follow after him, but he doesn’t get angry or send them away. He recognizes the situation and moves to deal with it. Then the passage goes further and states, “His heart was moved with pity” (Matthew 14:14). If Jesus is our image of God, then we know God has feelings for human pain, human need, and even basic human hunger. The gospel records that he cured the sick, so we know God is also about healing, what today we call healthcare. Sometimes, we don’t even believe everyone deserves that either! Jesus says, “There is no need for them to go away. We will feed them” (Matthew 14:16). 

The point in all the healing stories of the gospels is not simply that Jesus can work miracles. It is not for us to be astounded that Jesus can turn five loaves and two fish into enough for five thousand people, not counting women and children. That is pretty amazing, and I wish we could do it ourselves, but what Jesus does quite simply is feed people’s immediate needs. He doesn’t talk to them about spiritual things, heavenly things, or churchy things. He doesn’t give a sermon about going to church. He does not tell us what things we are supposed to be upset about today. He knows that we can’t talk about spiritual things until we take away people’s immediate physical hunger. When so much of the world is living at a mere survival level, how can we possibly talk about spiritual things?

The important thing that God seems to want to be doing in history is to create a community of compassion where people care about one another. It is not only the feeding that matters to us, it is also the caring for other people’s hunger and needs. Jesus never once talked about attending church services, but he talked constantly about healing the sick and feeding the hungry. That is what it seems to mean to be a follower of Jesus.  

(As published by the Center for Action and Contemplation

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

The Light Which God Intends to Kindle


Image credit:

Spiritual Reading - selected by Deacon Steve

“Humanity, made in God’s image, is placed in the paradise of the world, a world which is still paradise, but which we have lost, by becoming alienated from ourselves and from the Creator.

In this world from which we are alienated, humanity can come to find ourselves and recover our right relation to the world, and to God, by the work which God has given us to do. Our worship, our liturgy, should rightly be not only worship but a theology of life, a theology of work, planting in us the seeds of understanding and wisdom which will flower in our work. But this means that our work must be purified of titanism, of self-will, of aspirations to self-assertion and power. And this means that it must be delivered from obsession with what we are not, with our past and future, what we have ceased to be and have not yet become and is based on what we are in our present reality. For only in the present can we come in full contact with the truth willed for us and in us by God. Thus, creation will become once again a lampstand, and humanity the lamp will be placed on it in order to be lit with the light of truth. For this is the light which God really intends to kindle in us. When we are in communion with other people and with the cosmos by our will, the light of truth is kindled in us.

The Book of Proverbs says: ‘The light of God is the human spirit, penetrating to the depths of our being.’ (Proverbs 20:27)”

from Merton, Thomas, “Seasons of Celebration” p. 132 – 133, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, 2009

A spirit of revolt or defiance, like that of the Titans, against established order, social conventions, etc.


Questions for reflection:

As Vincentians, what is our "work" that needs to be purified?

Am I stuck, trying to live according to an identity locked into my past, who I used to be?

Am I pretending to be someone I would like to be in the future?

… or am I OK with letting people see me for who I am right now, warts and all, not perfect, but beloved by God?

Do I really believe that God loves me now, as I am?

Do I consciously remind myself that God deeply loves each of the families we serve, as they are?

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Being Living Lights



The following is an extract from a reflection on the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time by Sr Mary McGlone, CSJ.

Read the full reflection here.

This week, our readings from the Hebrew Scriptures give the most detailed description of what is entailed in being living lights.

Isaiah's instructions are quite striking when we ponder them. He tells us to share our bread with the hungry, to shelter and clothe those who are vulnerable in any way and to never turn our backs on our own. Isaiah's subtext comes down to saying that we need to treat everyone in need as one of our own, as our clan, as the people to whom we owe first allegiance.

Psalm 112 continues that theme, emphasizing that the just person is a light in the darkness of an unjust and cruel world. Those who treat needy others as members of their family are people whose experience of goodness and trust in God has freed them from fear of want, from the need to accumulate what others need for survival...

...It takes little to realize that these messages apply to communities, not just to individuals. The community Isaiah wants to build, the community that we, too, are called to build, will bring a new dawn to the world.

Isaiah tells us that when we treat another's need as our own, we create the kind of society that reflects the very glory of God. In such a society, no cry for help goes unanswered — not because God swoops in, but because the people of God live their vocation to reflect and effect God's love.

This is exactly what Jesus, the Jewish preacher, was talking about when he called his listeners to be salt of the earth and light for the world. Jesus knew Isaiah's teaching and he prayed the psalms. He realized that neither salt nor light exist for themselves, but to call attention to something else.

As salt and light, the people of God do not simply note the needs of others; they prove by their activities that such needs can be addressed and alleviated. Their light demonstrates that the reign of God is a real and growing phenomenon in our world.

Read the full reflection here.

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Free Community Meals - Newmarket

Here are all the free community meals that take place in Newmarket throughout the week, all thanks to volunteers who care about the people in their community:

  • Sundays: Valley View Alliance Church hosts a community dinner every Sunday of the year between 4 and 5:30 p.m. at 800 Davis Dr. in Newmarket. 
  • Mondays: St. John Chrysostom Catholic Church serves a free hot meal to anyone who needs it out of their parish centre at 432 Ontario St. The program is called Community Bread and runs from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Monday. 
  • Tuesdays: Trinity United Church hosts its Lunch At My Place (LAMP) Supper Program on Tuesdays at the church, which is located at 461 Park Ave. It serves beverages at 4 p.m. and a hot meal from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. 
  • Wednesdays: The Annex Cafe at Christian Baptist Church runs every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Guests can enjoy a hotdog or burger out on the church lawn. There is also coffee and light breakfast foods. 
  • Fridays: Inn From The Cold's community meal takes place weekly on Fridays from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the community hall of their Penrose Street location. Different groups of volunteers sign up each week, whether they are corporations, religious groups, families, or friends. 
  • Saturdays: Crosslands Church at 47 Millard Ave. West hosts a free dinner every Saturday starting at 4:30 p.m. 

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Advent Reflection: Two gifts that are needed

 After telling us how King Ahaz, St. Paul. and St. Joseph received the gift of divine grace which they in turn passed on to bless and strengthen others, Claretian Fr. Ferdinand Okorie CMF, writing for the Catholic Theological Union, concludes a reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent as follows:

"Next Sunday, we celebrate and renew our faith in the gift of God’s presence in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and in doing so, we share in the spirit of the season by giving and receiving gifts with our loved ones, and with one another. But I invite you to think beyond the traditional routine of wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree, but rather to discern the impactful gift that your loved ones and the world are in dire need from you today. For our loved ones, trust is ebbing dangerous in our homes and society, affecting our respect and dignity for one another. Rebuilding a culture of trust can go a long way to repair fragile and damaged relationships. For our world, let us remember that every region has experienced a record climate disaster or the other. Time has come to give our world the gift of doing whatever we can to contribute to cutting down our carbon footprints. During this season of giving and receiving gifts, give the gift that is impactful and transformational to one another and to the world."

Rebuilding a culture of trust: Instead of being negative and critical, can I be more positive, affirming and upbuilding? Pray the Prayer of Saint Francis

Cutting down our carbon footprints: Food waste? Plastic? Recycling? Unnecessary travel? Explore Laudato Si' - the encyclical by Pope Francis on the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor

Laudato Si' Movement -
Laudato Si' - News and Resources -
Laudato Si' Action Platform -

Image credit:

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Campfire Bread Twists - Happy Feast Day


As a boy, when I was a scout, we enjoyed a very simple bread by making a dough from flour and water which we twisted around a stick and baked over the embers of our campfire. The important thing about bread, any bread, is not that you spend hours contemplating it, analysing it, trying to understand it, but that we eat it. It's a comfort food that relieves our hunger pangs and nourishes us, giving us strength to carry on our day or enjoy a night's sleep. This experience is always made so much more enjoyable when we eat as a family or group of friends.

Just as our camp fare has three elements, wheat, water and fire, together making one bread, so the Blessed Trinity has three Persons, together making one God; but the important thing about our God is not that we spend hours analysing and contemplating how the Blessed Trinity is constituted, but that we be nourished by the empowering love of our Father and the Christ-Son poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

On this Feast of the Most Holy Trinity may we all be so nourished among our families and friends.


Sunday, 18 July 2021

Who are the shepherds?


When I first heard the readings for mass this Sunday (16th Sunday: Jeremiah on selfish, lazy shepherds, Psalm 23, Jesus the Good Shepherd having compassion on the people in the Gospel,) my thoughts went immediately to judging and condemning the shepherds of today and the era we have inherited - spiritual shepherds such as bishops and priests who have brought scandal upon the Church, and political leaders who refuse to see beyond the next election and the need for economic growth as an end in itself regardless of the human, social and environmental cost.

Two women brought me back to myself: the first woman, my wife, read to me a reflection by Sister Mary McGlone (second woman) published in the National Catholic Reporter. Sr McGlone reminds us that we are all shepherds to the extent that we have a sphere of influence with other people; that being a shepherd is not just about the power and authority of those in charge, but also bringing others - any others -  nourishment (prepare a table, green pastures,) peaceful refreshment (still waters,) solidarity and encouragement in the dark valleys of fear and anxiety.

The Good Shepherd doesn't try to do this out of obligation, like the hired hand who will fail. The key is compassion.  Compassion will even induce us to alter our own plans for ourselves, as Jesus did in today's Gospel reading: Jesus wanted to take the apostles on a quiet retreat, but then "… he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach them..."

Who are the people in need within our sphere of influence? Perhaps the Good Shepherd wants to reach them through the hands and voices of the likes of you and me. Meanwhile I thank God for the two lady shepherds who brought me this insight.

Friday, 14 May 2021



Saint Marguerite d’Youville

Saint Marguerite d’Youville, PATRON SAINT OF THE SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN CANADA. An ordinary woman who became an extraordinarily strong woman and SUPER-HERO in the crucible of personal tragedy, suffering and service to the poor.

Read an illustrated story of her life here.

The National Spirituality Committee invited members to submit nominations of Canadian Saints to be considered the Patron Saint of the Society in Canada. Four wonderful nominees were put forward and members made the decision by ballot.

The National Spirituality Committee are pleased to announce that the Patron Saint of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Canada is Saint Marguerite d’Youville.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Does Canada need a law to combat environmental racism?

Image: Steve Greenberg

The following is an excerpt from...

Why Canada needs a law to combat environmental racism

Read the full article here

At a time when health and environmental crises dominate the public conversation, Black History Month in February was a stark reminder of the pervasive environmental struggles racialized communities, past and present, disproportionately face.

This month, there may be good news on the horizon. Nova Scotia Liberal MP Lenore Zann has introduced Bill C-230 in the House of Commons, the National Strategy to Redress Environmental Racism Act. It’s scheduled for a March vote.

The historical link between the civil rights and environmental justice movements is widely acknowledged, yet these struggles have become increasingly isolated over time. While environmental laws and regulations have grown exponentially since the NIMBY protests of the 1970s, the concerns of racialized communities have rarely, if ever, been at their forefront.

Instead, environmental governance and zoning regulations have often been deployed against the interests of Black, Indigenous and immigrant communities in North America. Well-known Canadian cases include Ontario’s chemical industry cluster that surrounds the Aamjiwnaang First Nation and Nova Scotia’s hazardous waste siting in historical Africville.

Environmental injustice is just one aspect of the systemic racial discrimination that continues to plague Canada from coast to coast to coast.

In December, researchers Amanda Giang and Kaitlin Castellani from the University of British Columbia published research showing that the cumulative air pollution burden in Canada’s three major cities (Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal) disproportionately affects racialized communities. In Montreal, immigrant residents consistently experience higher cumulative air pollution, while in Toronto, this burden falls on low-income residents. In Vancouver, it’s Indigenous residents. These disparities in exposure to air pollution are just one dimension of the generalized pattern of environmental injustice affecting historically marginalized groups: Indigenous Peoples, racialized newcomers and the urban poor.

Read the rest of this article here.

Monday, 25 January 2021

Ontario Workers Need Paid Sick Leave



Medical experts, labour activists and scientists all agree that the fact most workers do not have easy access to paid sick leave is a major contributor to the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario workplaces.

Sign this petition demanding paid sick leave for workers.

Paid Sick Days Ontario

Reprinted from the Advocacy Newsletter of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul


Thursday, 21 January 2021

Automatic Income Tax Filing

 Reprinted from the Advocacy Newsletter of our Ontario Regional Council

In order to receive the Canada Child Benefit, GST rebates and most other government benefits, people must file an income tax return. Due to uncertainty and cost, many of our neighbours in need fail to file in a timely manner. They miss out on valuable income to which they are entitled that could help alleviate their poverty.

In the last Speech from the Throne the government promised to provide free automatic tax filing for simple returns. Many other jurisdictions have implemented this policy in an attempt to help people who are living in poverty.

Vincentians can ensure that this reform does not fall through the cracks by contacting their Members of Parliament with this simple message:
I urge you to support and work towards implementing automatic free tax filing as promised in the last Speech from the Throne. This measure will help many low income Canadians automatically receive the benefits to which they are entitled.

Find contact info for your MP easily using your Postal Code: contact your MP

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Conference Spiritual Reading 11 Jan 2021


Spiritual Reading for January 11, 2021 - selected by Deacon Steve

“And the deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. It is beyond words, and it is beyond speech, and it is beyond concept. Not that we discover a new unity. My dear, we are already one. But we imagine that we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we are.”

“Thomas Merton: A Book of Hours”, Kathleen Deignan CND, ed., Sorin Books, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2007, p. 162

Friday, 4 December 2020

A Special Solidarity - Fratelli Tutti of Pope Francis


Here is an excerpt from 'Fratelli Tutti', the latest encyclical letter of Pope Francis on fraternity and social friendship. This excerpt speaks directly to the values and mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Indeed, our Society is one of the 'popular movements' referred to at the end of this except. The numbers are paragraph numbers in the encyclical.

I recommend reading this excerpt a number of times - at least three or four times - slowly, silently and aloud. Set aside some time to reflect and pray over these words from a pope who clearly has a heart for the poor. There are a few technical or 'key' words to consider as you reflect: solidarity, service, vulnerability, community.

115. At a time when everything seems to disintegrate and lose consistency, it is good for us to appeal to the “solidity” born of the consciousness that we are responsible for the fragility of others as we strive to build a common future. Solidarity finds concrete expression in service, which can take a variety of forms in an effort to care for others. And service in great part means “caring for vulnerability, for the vulnerable members of our families, our society, our people”. In offering such service, individuals learn to “set aside their own wishes and desires, their pursuit of power, before the concrete gaze of those who are most vulnerable… Service always looks to their faces, touches their flesh, senses their closeness and even, in some cases, ‘suffers’ that closeness and tries to help them. Service is never ideological, for we do not serve ideas, we serve people”.

116. The needy generally “practice the special solidarity that exists among those who are poor and suffering, and which our civilization seems to have forgotten or would prefer in fact to forget. Solidarity is a word that is not always well received; in certain situations, it has become a dirty word, a word that dare not be said. Solidarity means much more than engaging in sporadic acts of generosity. It means thinking and acting in terms of community. It means that the lives of all are prior to the appropriation of goods by a few. It also means combatting the structural causes of poverty, inequality, the lack of work, land and housing, the denial of social and labour rights. It means confronting the destructive effects of the empire of money… Solidarity, understood in its most profound meaning, is a way of making history, and this is what popular movements are doing”.

Monday, 2 November 2020

All Saints and All Souls Day


- by Deacon Steve

As we celebrated All Saints Day yesterday and today as we celebrate and remember All Souls Day, I pray that we will all be able to take time out of our busy days and say a prayer for our family members and loved ones who have gone before us, remembering that they too are praying for us. 

Let us also remember those Vincentians who have gone before us, those who laid the groundwork for our Society and so faithfully continued the Mission of Christ to the people who suffer poverty and marginalization in our society. We remember St. Vincent de Paul, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Blessed Sister Rosalie Rendu, who guided Bl. Frederic and his confreres on how to minister to the poor.

Of course we remember all those who served in our own St. John Chrysostom and St. Elizabeth Seton Conference and helped to create a vibrant conference serving the Newmarket and surrounding area and inspiring us as they lived out their commitment.

Be assured of my prayers for all of you, your families and the souls of your faithful departed.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. 

Deacon Steve Pitre is Spiritual Advisor to our Coneference

Friday, 23 October 2020

The 2020 Christmas Program

Due to the pandemic you will see some changes in how we are able to run our programs this year.  We want to continue to bring joy and ease to the many in our community who struggle throughout the year and especially at Christmas, but we must do so with the pandemic restrictions in mind. 

For the Christmas Program that serves our families, your donation will continue to go towards the purchase of grocery gift cards for parents and gift cards from a local store so that parents can purchase a gift for the children in their family.

For the Giving Tree Program we will not be able to distribute stars and accept gifts to be given to the various homes and residences due to the restrictions of the pandemic.  Instead, we will be accepting monetary donations that we will use to purchase gift cards for those living in group homes and to purchase select gifts that will be delivered to the assisted-living homes for them to wrap and distribute. This is both to keep our volunteers safe and especially those more vulnerable people living in the homes. 

You can donate via Canada Helps at

Even under the current pandemic situation, your gift will still make a difference in the lives of those often left out at this special time of year.  A donation of $20.00 might purchase a pair of warm pajamas or some slippers for a senior in need. A $40.00 donation might purchase a special toy for a child that hasn’t had a new toy since last Christmas.   A donation of $60.00 may go towards food in the fridge for a single mother trying to make ends meet. 

Any amount helps spread the joy and magic of Christmas to those in our community who need our help. We thank you for your continued support and prayers.

If you wish to make an online donation towards our Christmas and Giving Tree programs please click the DONATE button below.