As a boy, when I was a scout, we enjoyed a very simple bread by making a dough from flour and water which we twisted around a stick and baked over the embers of our campfire. The important thing about bread, any bread, is not that you spend hours contemplating it, analysing it, trying to understand it, but that we eat it. It's a comfort food that relieves our hunger pangs and nourishes us, giving us strength to carry on our day or enjoy a night's sleep. This experience is always made so much more enjoyable when we eat as a family or group of friends.
Just as our camp fare has three elements, wheat, water and fire, together making one bread, so the Blessed Trinity has three Persons, together making one God; but the important thing about our God is not that we spend hours analysing and contemplating how the Blessed Trinity is constituted, but that we be nourished by the empowering love of our Father and the Christ-Son poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
On this Feast of the Most Holy Trinity may we all be so nourished among our families and friends.