Saturday 25 July 2020

How can little ol' me serve other people?

Follow me...

Nowhere in Scripture does Jesus tell his followers to worship him but there are numerous places where he says or commands, "Follow me". Of course this does not mean we should not worship him but it does mean that our first and most important call is to follow him, to be disciples. How do you do that in practice?

Thursday 16 July 2020

Love covers over a multitude of sins

1 Peter 4:8    (Image credit:

Whenever I read the account of the sheep being separated from the goats in chapter 25 of the gospel of Matthew I am struck not only by what is listed in the "citation" but also by what is missing: the Ten Commandments are completely missing. The goats are not condemned for lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, fornication, homosexuality - or even murder - but for a lack of compassion! It's all about sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, assisting the sick and imprisoned. Read Matthew 25 and see for yourself.

I am reminded of 1 Peter 4:8: Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Monday 6 July 2020

Working Together and the Need for Friendship

Christian Verheyde, in his book, "15 Days of Prayer with Blessed Frederic Ozanam," has a chapter titled, "The Problem of Collaboration" (p. 84.) In this chapter he summarizes some of the challenges that Blessed Frederic and his companions and followers faced as their "Conference of Charity", as it was called, grew and matured and multiplied. "Charity" was not always in evidence in their meetings, as Blessed Frederic himself testified in his letters to friends. In one letter he wrote…