Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Conference Reading - Sharing what we have been given


"Let the people we encounter know about God through the lives we lead..."

Conference spiritual reading selected by Deacon Steve.

“If we have to tell people about God, let us tell them about what he has done for us, about what we have personally experienced; the transformation of our fears, the freedom from the prisons of false myths, the passion of our hunger and where it has led us. That is, if we have to speak. Otherwise, let the people we encounter know about God through the lives we lead: by our willingness to bear the pain of forgiving, by our joy in the humblest of tasks, by our laughter even in the darkest moments.

“What we have been given is not only given for us. It is given to be shared. Only in that sharing do we experience what it means to be Church, and if we are truly Church, then we can transform the institutions we now have and thereby create open spaces - those temples and sanctuaries - in which God who promises to be ever with us, can dwell and in which others who are now lost and alienated and searching can dwell and fulfill themselves creatively.”

Williams, S.J., Monty. “Stepping into Mystery: Four Approaches to a Spiritual Life” Novalis Publishing Inc., Toronto 2012, P. 52

Monday, 2 November 2020

All Saints and All Souls Day


- by Deacon Steve

As we celebrated All Saints Day yesterday and today as we celebrate and remember All Souls Day, I pray that we will all be able to take time out of our busy days and say a prayer for our family members and loved ones who have gone before us, remembering that they too are praying for us. 

Let us also remember those Vincentians who have gone before us, those who laid the groundwork for our Society and so faithfully continued the Mission of Christ to the people who suffer poverty and marginalization in our society. We remember St. Vincent de Paul, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Blessed Sister Rosalie Rendu, who guided Bl. Frederic and his confreres on how to minister to the poor.

Of course we remember all those who served in our own St. John Chrysostom and St. Elizabeth Seton Conference and helped to create a vibrant conference serving the Newmarket and surrounding area and inspiring us as they lived out their commitment.

Be assured of my prayers for all of you, your families and the souls of your faithful departed.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. 

Deacon Steve Pitre is Spiritual Advisor to our Coneference

Sunday, 25 October 2020

You shall not molest or oppress an alien

Following is an extract from a reflection on the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time by Steven P Millies

The Gospel from Matthew today (Matthew 22:34-40) presents us with the most concise formulation of our relationships and their implications: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment.  The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  It would be difficult to distill the Christian message more succinctly.  Even the Golden Rule — to love a neighbor as we love ourselves — is not sufficient, because it omits our relationship to God.  We love our neighbor as we love ourselves because God created us both, and because God loves both of us, because we both bear the image of God.  There is a reason why Jesus asserts, “The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”  This is everything in one place.

It is the beginning of this week’s reading from Exodus 22:20-26 that may sound the most important note for today: it is a reminder.  “You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.”  It is no coincidence that reminders like this repeat throughout the first five books of the Bible.  God knows how prone we are to forget.  The covenant is here to help us remember.  We are reminded not only to remember our own bondage, but also that the God of justice knows and sees our deeds.  Justice in the community is found in this remembering and in fidelity to the God who is just and compassionate.

My personal observation and comment on the above is to say that it is surely hypocritical for people who are themselves descended from immigrants and refugees to place restrictions and obstacles in the way of new immigrants and refugees. “You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.”