Sunday 1 December 2019

Daily Advent Meditations with Pope Francis and Laudato Si'

These meditations were originally published in 2015 by St. Vincent de Paul Parish Community in Baltimore.

Sunday, Dec. 1: God's loving plan

The Genesis accounts of creation, the pope suggests, contain profound teachings about human existence and its historical reality … human life grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships: with God, with our neighbor, with the Earth itself. If we are truly concerned to develop an ecology capable of remedying the damage we have done, no branch of science and no form of wisdom can be left out, and that includes religion and the language peculiar to it. If the simple fact of being human moves people to care for the environment, Christians in their turn "realize that their responsibility within creation, and their duty toward nature and the Creator, are an essential part of their faith." This provides "ample motivation to care for nature and for the most vulnerable of their brothers and sisters."

Find the rest of this meditation and meditations for the rest of the first week in Advent by clicking on the link to The first week of Advent: Daily meditations with Laudato Si' in National Catholic Reporter.