Monday, 6 February 2023

Bl. Rosalie Rendu DC - Feb 7


Blessed Rosalie Rendu - February 7, 2023

This Tuesday February 7th, is the feast of Blessed Rosalie Rendu, who was a member of the Daughters of Charity, an order cofounded by St. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. They were founded in 1633, when Louise de Marillac began a systematic training of the women, particularly for the care of the sick. The sisters lived in community in order to better develop the spiritual life so as to more effectively carry out their mission of service. The Daughters of Charity differed from other religious congregations of that time in that they were not cloistered. They maintained the necessary mobility and availability, and lived among those whom they served.

It was this order that Jeanne Marie joined at the age of 16, and a few years later received the habit, taking on the name of Sr. Rosalie. Over the years Sr. Rosalie became known for her creative, relentless and effective work in some of the worst conditions such as revolutions and epidemics, not to mention the horrible poverty and destitution in which the people whom they served were living.

But it was Bl. Sr. Rosalie’s guidance combined with the dedication of the students of the History Conference formed by Bl. Frederic Ozanam that led to the creation of the Conference of Charity, which eventually became the St. Vincent de Paul Society.


This year I thought we could reflect a little and pray about some of Soeur Rosalie’s virtues. In the work titled “Life of the Soeur Rosalie” the author wrote about some of Sr. Rosalie’s virtues, 

“The humility of Soeur Rosalie was equal to her charity. When told that a person had been speaking well of her, she replied, “He is very wrong to say it, and still more to think it.”

“She could not bear the poor to call her their benefactress. “Call me your friend, your sister, your servant if you will, for that is what I am.”

“She could not endure that any of her good works should be known and talked of. “One single grain of self-love,” said she, “is enough to spoil any good work.”

“What a folly it is,” she often said, “to take credit to ourselves for the success of any of our undertakings, when we owe it to the prayer of some poor man or the intervention of some unknow friend.”

From the book, “Life of the Souer Rosalie: Jean Marie Rendu” p. 62-63, published by Burns and Lambert, London, 1858 and reproduced in the same format as the original work. No attempt was made to update the language.

While the language is a little antiquated and sounds a little negative/harsh, it does help us as we reflect on her life and allow ourselves to remember our beginnings.

As we celebrate Bl. Sr. Rosalie Rendu’s feast, let us reflect on her instruction and pray to her for the grace to see Christ in every person. As we continue to draw closer to the poor may we be drawn closer to our Lord, whom we serve and who gives us the grace to do the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. 

Blessed Rosalie Rendu pray for us. As I said last year, may she say of us, “How good these young people are! Oh, how good they are.”  Enjoy the day all you “young people”!!!!

- Deacon Steve

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Being Living Lights



The following is an extract from a reflection on the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time by Sr Mary McGlone, CSJ.

Read the full reflection here.

This week, our readings from the Hebrew Scriptures give the most detailed description of what is entailed in being living lights.

Isaiah's instructions are quite striking when we ponder them. He tells us to share our bread with the hungry, to shelter and clothe those who are vulnerable in any way and to never turn our backs on our own. Isaiah's subtext comes down to saying that we need to treat everyone in need as one of our own, as our clan, as the people to whom we owe first allegiance.

Psalm 112 continues that theme, emphasizing that the just person is a light in the darkness of an unjust and cruel world. Those who treat needy others as members of their family are people whose experience of goodness and trust in God has freed them from fear of want, from the need to accumulate what others need for survival...

...It takes little to realize that these messages apply to communities, not just to individuals. The community Isaiah wants to build, the community that we, too, are called to build, will bring a new dawn to the world.

Isaiah tells us that when we treat another's need as our own, we create the kind of society that reflects the very glory of God. In such a society, no cry for help goes unanswered — not because God swoops in, but because the people of God live their vocation to reflect and effect God's love.

This is exactly what Jesus, the Jewish preacher, was talking about when he called his listeners to be salt of the earth and light for the world. Jesus knew Isaiah's teaching and he prayed the psalms. He realized that neither salt nor light exist for themselves, but to call attention to something else.

As salt and light, the people of God do not simply note the needs of others; they prove by their activities that such needs can be addressed and alleviated. Their light demonstrates that the reign of God is a real and growing phenomenon in our world.

Read the full reflection here.