Sunday 5 March 2023

Redefining Normal


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Following Christ means redefining 'Normal'

"Peter, James, and John are so weirded out by this bizarre (Transfiguration of Jesus) experience that Peter babbles about building booths, James and John say not a word, and they all eventually fall on the ground prostrate in dread. Then, of course, Jesus acts normal and says “Rise and do not be afraid”. Really? And how exactly is life supposed to go back to normal after all of this?

It’s not. That is a big lesson learned through their discipleship. What they previously thought was “normal” in life was actually harmful to many. So what they considered “normal” had to change. And it could only change through a pouring out of God’s Spirit to challenge them, to open their eyes, and to offer a different way of living in the world that would lead to life and flourishing for the many who were victims of the violence of this “normalcy” and then blamed as “sinners” and “unclean” for crying out when they were injured. They had to learn to see the world again and then focus on the suffering of the sinned-against."

- from a reflection on the 2nd Sunday of Lent by KEVIN CONSIDINE, PHD
Click here for the full reflection on the
Catholic Theological Union website.